Exhibition: CastForge Stuttgart 2022

CONTIFONTE is participating in the exhibition! Whether you are a buyer or a design office technician, we look forward to seeing you at our booth 5D59 to discuss your needs and projects. Our advisors will be at your disposal to present you our company, our products and to discuss your current or future needs.

Address: Messepiazza 1, 70629 Stuttgart, Germany

For the first time CastForge offers foundries, blacksmiths and processors their own platform to present their products made of cast steel, grey and spheroid cast iron as well as non-ferrous casting in one of the economically strongest regions in Europe. CastForge will present the entire value-added chain extending from cast or forging blanks and machining up to the final component.

Trade Fair for Castings and Forgings with Processing
Product complexity and the demands on castings and forgings are increasing. It is important for customers to obtain a high-quality, ready-to-install product. CastForge will bring together supply and demand, and will present the value-added chain extending from cast blanks or forging blanks and machining through to the final component.